Homebrew Channel/Themes
To install a theme, download one from below and copy the files to the "apps" folder, just like an homebrew application.
As soon you load it from the Homebrew Channel, the theme will be installed.
Note: You must have the Homebrew Channel 1.0.7 or higher in order to use themes. Update your Homebrew Channel with the HackMii Installer.
It is stored in the channel's savegame on the Wii, so you can safely remove your SD card or USB mass storage device without losing the theme.
If you delete the savegame from the Wii, your theme will be lost, but can be reinstalled simply by clicking the "app" again. You can also send the theme.zip using Wiiload.
To create your own theme, extract a theme.zip and replace the graphics. They need to have the same dimensions, filenames and filetypes as the orginals, else the images will be ignored and replaced by the original (Dark Waters) graphics. The theme.xml contains information about colors for the text (globally used) and the progress bar, see also Theme.xml Creator. When you're done, you can put the images and theme.xml back into the theme.zip, maybe add a meta.xml and icon.png and upload in here.
To learn about the new font support (The Homebrew Channel 1.1.0 and up), see Homebrew Channel#Fonts
For those having trouble you can use this file as a template. Also Newlife has created an application called ThemeHBC as an alternative way to create themes.
Don't worry about taking a screenshot, a qualified volunteer will handle it. As for HBC 1.1.0, you can take screenshots by connecting a Nunchuk and pressing Z+C (in that order); the screenshot will be written to the SD card as hbc-001.png and up. This is the preferred method. Other theme screenshots taken with ThemeShooter are referred to as "Themeshot's".
Read more about Homebrew Channel themes on HackMii: Theming the Homebrew Channel
Do not upload themes containing copyrighted material
Use only images you created or that are explicitly(!) released to be re-used in other works. If you are unclear about whether you are allowed to use an image, don't use it. Just because you found an image on the internet, it doesn't mean you are allowed to use it.
Do not bend this rule: Cropping, cutting up, changing the colors or filtering an image does not void its copyright. "Fair use" is not applicable either (and a US-only exemption to copyright anyway). For the time being, Logos are considered somewhat safe, and can be used (if you really, really have to - it's not the pinnacle of creativity to slap a huge company or game logo in the background).
Do not upload themes containing only a background image
Please do at least some customization of the GUI images. Although background-only themes are possible, they are rather pointless.
Keep your descriptions short
When uploading and adding your theme to this page please keep your descriptions short, we don't want to hear the whole story just the basics. If you want to tell your whole story you can put it in the theme's meta.xml file. To avoid clutter and keep this page organized we ask that you please follow this new limit of four lines, this means that you must use the "Show preview" button to make sure that it doesn't go past your theme's screenshot.
The original HBC look! |
The default Dark Waters theme, does not contain the actual resource files. |
Japanese-capable font that enables the Japanese language (if your System Menu is configured in Japanese) |
Sepia Tones on the HBC to remind you of Cola. |
A rehash of the HBC Classic theme, modified to be lime-green. |
A rehash of the HBC Classic theme, modified to be gray. |
The darker version of the Gray theme. |
A mod of drmr's HBC Classic Theme, made to look like beer. Enjoy. |
Coca-Cola theme ( Inside the bottle ) |
The old HomeBrew Channel but in the version Dark. |
A color Drained HBC classic theme with some slight mods. |
Modified classic menus on the new Dark Waters background. |
Modified classic menus on the new Dark Waters background with orange edges. |
The classic DarkWii theme for MyMenuify, ported now to the HBC |
A rehash of the HBC Classic theme, modified to be orange. |
A re-built of drmr's default Dark Waters theme, with some little changes. |
A mod of drmr's HBC Classic theme, changed to look red. Enjoy! |
What if the Homebrew Channel was on GameCube? Purple Theme with cubes. |
A Vista theme for the Homebrew Channel. |
A Dark Vista theme for the Homebrew Channel. |
Homebrew Channel with the fragrance of Mint. |
This is a Windows 7 theme for your Homebrew Channel. |
This my Mac Starry Sky Theme For the HBC . |
This my Mac Os X Theme For the HBC . |
Based on Wii System Menu. |
A theme made from scratch inspired by the GameCube's IPL. |
Same as title, credits go to Marcelofoxes, Raixs, and Selena(Xiangua) for some images. Themeshot can be seen here. |
Close as I can get to original HBC, I hope Team Twiizers appreciates it. |
WiiSettingsScreen-like theme. Some high quality glass styled graphics. Blends well with DarkWii. |
Wii System Settings theme. Looks like the System Menu Settings, with similar buttons and icons. |
A nice theme based on Windows 7. |
HBC given a whole new NES makeover. Themeshot can be seen here. |
A fairly simple Wii themed theme. |
A theme based on the Xbox 360 Dashboard. The background and some of the images are not that great. But for something I made pretty much from scratch, I think I did all right. |
A theme for the HBC based on Linux. Credits go to Marcelofoxes for the glass grid. |
Theme based on DOS. |
A theme based on Windows 9x. Icons are original. |
Google Material Design inspired theme. |
A HBC Alienware theme. Enjoy! |
A theme based on Material Design and Android Auto by Google. Updated to v1.4 (Nov 22, 2016) | |
A cool GC theme for the Homebrew Channel incase you're feeling nostalgic. Based on the settings menu and memory card menu. Updated to v1 (May 31, 2021) |
A theme based on Material Design and Android Auto by Google. Updated to v1.4 (Nov 22, 2016) |
A theme based on Nintendo Switch interface. |
here's my pac man theme i just finished. hope you like. |
This is a Simpsons Theme. |
A somewhat Yoshi's Island themed theme. |
A Homebrew Channel Matrix Theme. For white text version click here. Themeshot can be seen here. |
Simple Tetris Theme. |
A Galaga based theme. |
HBC Theme based on FF7: Crisis Core for PSP |
HBC Theme based on TRON |
Halo 3 theme. As simple as that. |
A Legend of Zelda theme. |
A Night of the Living Dead Theme. |
Legend of Zelda theme, inspired by OOT and Skyward Sword |
Inspired by They_Do_Not_Die game with my custom graphics. |
A Paper Mario (N64) Theme. |
A HBC Alienware theme. Enjoy! |
A HBC Half-Life theme. |
Sega Bass Fishing theme (My first Wii theme, sorry if it's bad) |
A mouth-watering cookie theme for the HBC. |
A sky themed theme for Homebrew Channel. |
This is a simple theme, based on the original, but with different colors. |
A touch of minty green for HBC. Updated! |
Inspired in MiiConsola.com. |
Looks like everything else siv makes. |
Simple, Minimalistic, Dark and Noisy. |
Redox Homebrew Channel Theme by IceDive [Version 1.5] |
Theme with Flowers in Moonlight. |
Hell Theme for HBC |
A green and black theme for HBC. |
A theme Blue inspirate for a theme to Configurable USB Loader |
A simplified monochrome theme for the HBC. |
A terribly made theme |
A water theme for the HBC. |
A crayon theme for the HBC. |
The Official WiiHacks Theme. |
Colours Theme for HBC |
Black and White Theme for HBC |
Nice Black Theme with Stars |
Wooden Theme for HBC |
A Theme For Juggalo/lette gamers. Featuring Jokerman Font |
A technology type theme. |
A sky themed theme for Homebrew Channel. |
A blue shards theme based off of material light by Shining Wing. |